tag: Mama's Ranting Now: NaNoWriMo: Happy Donation Day and Hitting the Halfway Point


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoWriMo: Happy Donation Day and Hitting the Halfway Point

Today is NaNoWriMo Donation Day. It's the day when the good people at The Office of Letters and Light, sponsors of NaNoWriMo, encourage us Wrimos to donate toward the program. The National Novel Writing Month is a free program that is made possible by donations from viewers like you and me. No, wait, that's PBS, what I mean is that this program is offered free of charge to anyone who wants to take part; however, it costs money to put together and host this program so they need good people to donate money to make it all possible. Here's a little video that explains it rather well.

So, yes, I donated toward the program. And why not? If I didn't have NaNoWriMo to push me to get my novel written, the novel would just stay safely tucked away in my brain for years on end waiting for me to have the time to write it (never), waiting until I can make sure I have the idea perfectly outlined (Who am I kidding?), waiting until I am sure that I know what I am doing (procrastinating), or just plain waiting.

So here I am, close to the middle of the month, and I have hit the halfway point. I actually have written 25,000 words of my novel, out of the 50,000 word goal. That means that this novel is beating the three P's of procrastination, perfectionism, and paralysis.

May the long-winded, rambling, wordiness that is verbosity lead me to 50,000 words so that I can win this thing!

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