tag: Mama's Ranting Now: It's Good Friday Already?


Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Good Friday Already?

Easter is sneaky. It just sneaks up on you.  Of course I actually knew Easter was coming; I have a calendar (duh!), and I’ve been observing Lent.  Spiritually, I’ve been preparing for Easter, but I forgot about the Easter baskets (the materialistic part of the whole thing).

Funny, for Christmas it seems to go the other way: shopping, parties, eating, baking, gifts, and forgetting the spiritual aspect; however, Easter is more focused for me, maybe that’s why I like it so much more, but guess how I spent most of my Holy Thursday, that’s right, shopping for Easter basket stuff. And, yes, I did end up getting sidetracked and bought a pair of sandals for myself, then I realized that Goggie needs a haircut, and what about Easter dinner? 

Now it’s Good Friday, and I will need to (oh, no!) go shopping some more.  And fasting, I’m such a spaz, not only did I spend most of Holy Thursday shopping for Easter stuff, I also spent it eating like it was Mardi Gras.  

This fasting today will be hard because of the marathon training.  Maybe this Good Friday fasting doesn’t apply to someone if they are in the middle of training for a marathon. Ha! I just have to keep telling myself that if I can give up tortilla chips, I can fast on Good Friday.  I’m just glad that the run tomorrow is only six miles: no need to carbo-load.

Oh, and have a Happy Easter!

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