tag: Mama's Ranting Now: NaNoWriMo: Day 4


Monday, November 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo: Day 4

Well, this post should actually be called Day 5, since technically it is the 5th day of NaNoWriMo, but I’ll still call it Day 4 because all I have to report is what I wrote yesterday, and I’m still hoping for a successful day.

Yesterday I was all about the experience. Last night, I even wrote a post reporting on how successful the day had been, including all sorts of statistics about my word count, about how I would finish the novel well before the 30th of November, and about how I had it all figured out. However, after barely surviving this morning, I started to look over what I had written, and laughed so hard that I about laughed up my lung. Who was I kidding?

This morning my son was running around practically yelling, “Danger, danger, Will Robinson,” like the robot in Lost in Space. You see, while I was being all Zen and writing all sorts of amazing things for my novel for the past few days, life was still going on all around me; I just didn’t notice.

Remember all those silly rules I wrote after Day 2? Something about sitting away from distractions like dirty dishes, piles of dirty laundry, clumps of dog fur? Did you know that just because you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist? You did? Then why didn’t tell me this? Let me tell you, I woke up this morning and noticed that all these things had magically materialized all around me.

Clean uniform pants did not exist in our house this morning. Food? Oh, that’s right, I was too busy to notice that we were all out of food. So, today I spent the day doing all those things that I hadn’t done while I’d been writing these past four days, which means that later on tonight, I’ll be drinking a nice hot cup of very strong coffee. Who needs sleep tonight? Not I! I have this thing to win!

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