tag: Mama's Ranting Now: My New and Improved Marathon Playlist


Thursday, October 6, 2011

My New and Improved Marathon Playlist

I had a great playlist that I used for my last marathon, that is, until I grew tired of it, memorizing all the songs, knowing what song would come next in line, getting tired of the songs. So I thought I would just rearrange a few songs here and there, add some new songs, and "voila!" I would have a new playlist for my next marathon.

Unfortunately, as I found out when I started to put together my new playlist, it wasn't as easy as it sounded, but, finally, success. My playlist is ready, and as I promised in my previous post, here it is. It includes songs that I like, songs that have a beat that work well with running at a 9:00-10:00 minute mile pace, and it includes enough songs to cover about 5 hours of running time, hopefully more than enough time for me to finish the marathon.

I tested this playlist in bits and pieces during the past two weeks.  I had to change some of the songs around a few times, and I am now confident that what I have here is my new and improved playlist.

Well here it is:

1 comment:

  1. I heard you took AN HOUR off your time! HOLY COW! Go Nicole, go Nicole, go Nicole....! Talking to Susy yesterday after made me (just a little) think about doing another one...the madness is spreading! What is it about the post-race euphoria that is so catching??? Congratulations on a great run!


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