tag: Mama's Ranting Now: November 2007


Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and here is a list of some of the things for which I am thankful (in no particular order):

1. A roof over our heads

2. Food on our plates

3. Running water

4. Family

5. Our health

6. Pembroke Welsh Corgies

7. Music

8. Flowers

9. Sunsets & Sunrises

10. The ocean

11. Vacations

12. Five year olds (too cute!!)

13. Furnaces

14. Champagne

15. Internet

16. Books

17. Electricity

18. Refrigerators

19. Automatic dishwashers

20. Washing machines and dryers

21. The great U.S. of A

22. Our troops

23. Freedom of religion

24. Freedom of speech

25. Belgian beer

26. Cell phones

27. Cars

28. The Interstate (but not the traffic)

29. Sushi

30. Hugs

31. Sunshine

32. Dancing

33. Laughter

34. Comedians that are funny and don't use profanity

35. Romantic comedies

36. Modern medicine

37. 24 hour pharmacies

38. 24 hour grocery stores

39. Modern supermarkets (Food is good, yeah?)

40. Life

41. Friends

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bunny Brains & Green Snake Tails

We are happy to say that Googie is finally eating "real" food, and he sure had fun eating dinner the other day. Hubby had made a dinner of lamb shanks, asparagus, and wild mushroom risotto. We expected Goggie to put up a fuss over eating dinner (like usual); however, Junior had warned him ahead of time that Dad was fixing bunny brains for dinner. Googie was so excited, he couldn't wait to eat it. Hubby put a lamb shank on Googie's plate along with a few asparagus tips and mushroom risotto while Junior kept telling him that the lamb shanks were bunny brains. Well, let me tell you he ate a total of five "bunny brains" with "blood" (ketchup). Then he proceeded to eat all his "green rattlesnake tails" (asparagus tips) washing them down with a tall, icy glass of "saliva" (water), and he ate the risotto. How's that for creative parenting?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Praying the Rosary and Laminating Holy Cards

Oh Joy!

The other day our homeschool group had a prayer group for moms. We had so much fun getting together and being silly. It wasn't until I started explaining to Hubby what we were doing that I realized how ridiculous it sounded, "Yeah, honey. We had a blast last night at the homeschooling prayer group meeting. We prayed the rosary and couldn't stop laughing because of the fun we were having. Then the teenagers went to the other room to practice singing religious songs while the moms sat in the family room laminating holy cards. Yeah, we all sat around staring at the laminator and going, 'Oooh, that is sooo cool, I need one of those.' And we weren't even drinking." Anyways, Hubby just gave me a weird look and commented on how I needed to get out more (which is what I thought I had been doing at that meeting) and Bubba just couldn't stop laughing and kept asking me about the laminating machine.